CITB03: Social Planning and Community Development Winter Term 2016 Prof. S. Bunce Assignment #2: Social Policy and Community--Based Organizations in Toronto 30% of total grade, 8--10 pages, double--spaced. Due date: Thursday, March 31st in class or by 4:30 pm in the course drop box. Instructions: You have two options for this assignment. You may choose one social policy document from the provided list of City of Toronto social policies below and critically examine and discuss the context and directives of the formulated and/or implemented social policy OR You may choose one community--based organization from the provided list of Toronto--based community--based organizations (CBOs) to critically examine and discuss the organization’s mandate, organizational structure, and programs. You are to write a 8--10 page, double--spaced, report on your chosen social policy document OR community--based organization. Please include a title page with your name, student ID, and report title clearly indicated. You must also include a bibliography page with a list of 6 or more references to lecture material, course readings, additional library readings, as well as newspaper articles, website information, and other types of non--academic literature. Option A: Social Policy Documents in Toronto Please select one of the following five social policy documents produced by the City of Toronto government. You may preview the policy documents on Blackboard before choosing. Documents: (choose one) • City of Toronto Newcomer Strategy (2013) • City of Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 (2014) • City of Toronto Seniors Strategy: Towards an Age Friendly City (2013) • City of Toronto Tower Renewal Strategy (Implementation Book) (2011) • City of Toronto Housing Opportunities Toronto: An Affordable Housing Action Plan 2010--2020 (2009)
You are to read and take notes on the policy document and focus on what the policy is attempting to direct, envision, and implement. Questions to address are: • What is the purpose and rationale of the policy document? • What problem(s) is it trying to solve and why? • What research/evidence does the document present to demonstrate the problem? What analyses of this research are presented? • How is the document proposing to address and implement solutions to the problem in urban communities? • Does the document mention the role of community--based organizations and/or residents? If so, how and why? You can refer to the document as a reference in your assignment and also refer to lecture material, course readings, as well as additional readings that you may find in a library search that focus on social planning and community development, and that will also help you to further understand the particular topic of your document. For example, if you choose the City of Toronto Newcomer Strategy you might want to find articles and books on newcomers and immigration in cities more broadly and/or in Toronto to help you more strongly understand and interpret the policy document. Interviews with City of Toronto staff or other human participants are not allowed and information gleaned from personal conversations is not allowed in the paper. Option B: Community--Based Organizations in Toronto Please select one of the following five community--based organizations in Toronto. You are to find information about the mission, mandate, and services, programs, and/or activities of the community--based organization through information gleaned from the organization’s website as well as information found in reports and media searches (ie. newspaper articles, videos). Interviews with staff or using quotes from personal conversations with organization staff or other people are not allowed. Community--Based Organizations (choose one): • Regent Park Community Health Centre (Regent Park, downtownToronto) • East Scarborough Storefront (Kingston--Galloway/Orton Park, Scarborough) • Malvern Family Resource Centre (Malvern, Scarborough) • Harbord Village Residents’ Association (Harbord and Spadina area, downtown Toronto) • Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre (Jane and Finch area, North York) Questions to address in your paper are: • What is purpose and rationale for the community--based organization? • Do they have a formal mission and/or mandate? • How is the organization governed and structured? (ie. do they have a board of directors? Large or small staff?)
• What is the history of your organization? (when, why, and how did it start and how has it grown?) • How does the organization obtain its funding? Who are the funders? • What are the services, programs, and/or activities that the organization engages in and/or provides? How do they engage and how are they provided? • What is the role of ‘community’ and community actors (residents, for example) in this organization? You are to relate the information that you glean about the community--based organization to material drawn from lectures, course readings, and additional academic material (found in library search) on community--based organizations and community development. • Please consult with the instructor if you have any questions or need further clarification about the assignment specifications and/or writing the assignment. • All university policies regarding academic integrity apply to this assignment.
Social Policy and Community-Based Organizations in Toronto

Social Policy and Community-Based Organizations in Toronto

CITB03: Social Planning and Community Development Winter Term 2016 Prof. S. Bunce Assignment #2: Social Policy and Community--Based Organizations in Toronto 30% of total grade, 8--10 pages, double--spaced. Due date: Thursday, March 31st in class or by 4:30 pm in the course drop box. Instructions: You have two options for this assignment. You may choose one social policy document from the provided list of City of Toronto social policies below and critically examine and discuss the context and directives of the formulated and/or implemented social policy OR You may choose one community--based organization from the provided list of Toronto--based community--based organizations (CBOs) to critically examine and discuss the organization’s mandate, organizational structure, and programs. You are to write a 8--10 page, double--spaced, report on your chosen social policy document OR community--based organization. Please include a title page with your name, student ID, and report title clearly indicated. You must also include a bibliography page with a list of 6 or more references to lecture material, course readings, additional library readings, as well as newspaper articles, website information, and other types of non--academic literature. Option A: Social Policy Documents in Toronto Please select one of the following five social policy documents produced by the City of Toronto government. You may preview the policy documents on Blackboard before choosing. Documents: (choose one) • City of Toronto Newcomer Strategy (2013) • City of Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 (2014) • City of Toronto Seniors Strategy: Towards an Age Friendly City (2013) • City of Toronto Tower Renewal Strategy (Implementation Book) (2011) • City of Toronto Housing Opportunities Toronto: An Affordable Housing Action Plan 2010--2020 (2009)
You are to read and take notes on the policy document and focus on what the policy is attempting to direct, envision, and implement. Questions to address are: • What is the purpose and rationale of the policy document? • What problem(s) is it trying to solve and why? • What research/evidence does the document present to demonstrate the problem? What analyses of this research are presented? • How is the document proposing to address and implement solutions to the problem in urban communities? • Does the document mention the role of community--based organizations and/or residents? If so, how and why? You can refer to the document as a reference in your assignment and also refer to lecture material, course readings, as well as additional readings that you may find in a library search that focus on social planning and community development, and that will also help you to further understand the particular topic of your document. For example, if you choose the City of Toronto Newcomer Strategy you might want to find articles and books on newcomers and immigration in cities more broadly and/or in Toronto to help you more strongly understand and interpret the policy document. Interviews with City of Toronto staff or other human participants are not allowed and information gleaned from personal conversations is not allowed in the paper. Option B: Community--Based Organizations in Toronto Please select one of the following five community--based organizations in Toronto. You are to find information about the mission, mandate, and services, programs, and/or activities of the community--based organization through information gleaned from the organization’s website as well as information found in reports and media searches (ie. newspaper articles, videos). Interviews with staff or using quotes from personal conversations with organization staff or other people are not allowed. Community--Based Organizations (choose one): • Regent Park Community Health Centre (Regent Park, downtownToronto) • East Scarborough Storefront (Kingston--Galloway/Orton Park, Scarborough) • Malvern Family Resource Centre (Malvern, Scarborough) • Harbord Village Residents’ Association (Harbord and Spadina area, downtown Toronto) • Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre (Jane and Finch area, North York) Questions to address in your paper are: • What is purpose and rationale for the community--based organization? • Do they have a formal mission and/or mandate? • How is the organization governed and structured? (ie. do they have a board of directors? Large or small staff?)
• What is the history of your organization? (when, why, and how did it start and how has it grown?) • How does the organization obtain its funding? Who are the funders? • What are the services, programs, and/or activities that the organization engages in and/or provides? How do they engage and how are they provided? • What is the role of ‘community’ and community actors (residents, for example) in this organization? You are to relate the information that you glean about the community--based organization to material drawn from lectures, course readings, and additional academic material (found in library search) on community--based organizations and community development. • Please consult with the instructor if you have any questions or need further clarification about the assignment specifications and/or writing the assignment. • All university policies regarding academic integrity apply to this assignment.
Social Policy and Community-Based Organizations in Toronto

CITB03: Social Planning and Community Development Winter Term 2016 Prof. S. Bunce Assignment #2: Social Policy and Community--Based Organizations in Toronto 30% of total grade, 8--10 pages, double--spaced. Due date: Thursday, March 31st in class or by 4:30 pm in the course drop box. Instructions: You have two options for this assignment. You may choose one social policy document from the provided list of City of Toronto social policies below and critically examine and discuss the context and directives of the formulated and/or implemented social policy OR You may choose one community--based organization from the provided list of Toronto--based community--based organizations (CBOs) to critically examine and discuss the organization’s mandate, organizational structure, and programs. You are to write a 8--10 page, double--spaced, report on your chosen social policy document OR community--based organization. Please include a title page with your name, student ID, and report title clearly indicated. You must also include a bibliography page with a list of 6 or more references to lecture material, course readings, additional library readings, as well as newspaper articles, website information, and other types of non--academic literature. Option A: Social Policy Documents in Toronto Please select one of the following five social policy documents produced by the City of Toronto government. You may preview the policy documents on Blackboard before choosing. Documents: (choose one) • City of Toronto Newcomer Strategy (2013) • City of Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 (2014) • City of Toronto Seniors Strategy: Towards an Age Friendly City (2013) • City of Toronto Tower Renewal Strategy (Implementation Book) (2011) • City of Toronto Housing Opportunities Toronto: An Affordable Housing Action Plan 2010--2020 (2009)
You are to read and take notes on the policy document and focus on what the policy is attempting to direct, envision, and implement. Questions to address are: • What is the purpose and rationale of the policy document? • What problem(s) is it trying to solve and why? • What research/evidence does the document present to demonstrate the problem? What analyses of this research are presented? • How is the document proposing to address and implement solutions to the problem in urban communities? • Does the document mention the role of community--based organizations and/or residents? If so, how and why? You can refer to the document as a reference in your assignment and also refer to lecture material, course readings, as well as additional readings that you may find in a library search that focus on social planning and community development, and that will also help you to further understand the particular topic of your document. For example, if you choose the City of Toronto Newcomer Strategy you might want to find articles and books on newcomers and immigration in cities more broadly and/or in Toronto to help you more strongly understand and interpret the policy document. Interviews with City of Toronto staff or other human participants are not allowed and information gleaned from personal conversations is not allowed in the paper. Option B: Community--Based Organizations in Toronto Please select one of the following five community--based organizations in Toronto. You are to find information about the mission, mandate, and services, programs, and/or activities of the community--based organization through information gleaned from the organization’s website as well as information found in reports and media searches (ie. newspaper articles, videos). Interviews with staff or using quotes from personal conversations with organization staff or other people are not allowed. Community--Based Organizations (choose one): • Regent Park Community Health Centre (Regent Park, downtownToronto) • East Scarborough Storefront (Kingston--Galloway/Orton Park, Scarborough) • Malvern Family Resource Centre (Malvern, Scarborough) • Harbord Village Residents’ Association (Harbord and Spadina area, downtown Toronto) • Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre (Jane and Finch area, North York) Questions to address in your paper are: • What is purpose and rationale for the community--based organization? • Do they have a formal mission and/or mandate? • How is the organization governed and structured? (ie. do they have a board of directors? Large or small staff?)
• What is the history of your organization? (when, why, and how did it start and how has it grown?) • How does the organization obtain its funding? Who are the funders? • What are the services, programs, and/or activities that the organization engages in and/or provides? How do they engage and how are they provided? • What is the role of ‘community’ and community actors (residents, for example) in this organization? You are to relate the information that you glean about the community--based organization to material drawn from lectures, course readings, and additional academic material (found in library search) on community--based organizations and community development. • Please consult with the instructor if you have any questions or need further clarification about the assignment specifications and/or writing the assignment. • All university policies regarding academic integrity apply to this assignment.